Insights With Trent Munday

Today‘s Exuberance Is Tomorrow‘s Normality #1481



Often when something new comes along, there's a level of excitement around it. There's an exuberance. And this can lead to the more conservative and more considered folk - who we simply classify as doubters - to be sceptical. They assume it will just be the next flash in the pan. A trend that will fizzle out just as quickly as it arrived on the scene. But before too long that exuberance is replaced with normality. It happened with Facebook. And Instagram. The Cool Kids flocked to it. he more considered folks declared it a fad. Today, it's an essential marketing tool for just about any business. So, before you dismiss the latest fads, take a little time to dig below the surface. You just mind find some substance there. #exuberance #trends #earlyadopters