Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#192: Seeking safety + security might be ruining you....



One of the main things drilled into us throughout our lives is that we need to ‘obtain’ safety + security, through a series of events.    A good stable paying job with benefits, saving for retirement, marriage, a house, kids, and other forms of social and material status. If you ‘achieve’ these you’ve done something right… but have you?    Safety and security truly cannot come from something outside of us (a job, a relationship, money), because by its very nature it's meant to actually prioritize something that isn’t just you.    Learning how to ride the various waves of life, the good, the bad, the inbetween with curiosity, openness and a knowing you’ll be alright no matter what - that is true safety and security.    As we close out 2021 and move into 2022, I wanted this year's last podcast episode to be something that helps us all build a tool for a better future, and that tool is ourselves.    Sometimes we give up the very things that could liberate us in the most beautiful of ways, because we’re afraid to