Love That Voiceover

Agents get You Work? & other Paradigm Shifts: VO Artist Kay Bess: Episode 2 of 4



Agents get You Work? & other Paradigm Shifts: VO Artist Kay Bess Episode 2 of 4 on LovethatVoiceover In the first half of this episode Kay shares how she went through VO business changes since the beginning and her “Santa Barbara Moment”. At a certain point Kay reflected that she wasn’t the director in her life, she was just an actor. But by asking herself tough questions, she started making transitions and became the "captain of her own ship". In the second half, “Big reflections over Agents”, Kay shares her talent agent pivotal moment – changing agencies – and revelations from which we can all learn on many levels. Thanks to JASON RACKOW for his fabulous and friendly audio editing of todays interview! Kay Bess is an American voice actress with over 20 years experience. Kay is the female voice of The Tennis Channel, the female imaging voice for Q107 Toronto, and narrated the insanely popular TV series The Property Brothers on HGTV, seasons 1-4. She was the female voice of DIRECTV from 2009-2013.  Sh