Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Messaging on the Cloud



In the seventh episode of this podcast, your hosts Francesc and Mark discuss the different ways messaging can be done on Google Cloud Platform, covering Pub/Sub and Task Queues and when to choose what. Links: Google Cloud Vision API blog post Photo Scavenger Hunt app Google Task Queues documentation Google Cloud Pub/Sub documentation Exporting logs documentation Feature comparison Feature Task Queues Pub/Sub Pull via API Yes Yes Push via Webhooks Yes Yes Max size of message 100K 10MB At least once delivery guarantee Yes Yes Batch Insert Only in App Engine Yes Multiple receivers No Yes Datastore Transactions Yes No Maximum Messages/s 1B (with billing) 250 msg/q/s Unlimited (after request) Throttling Yes No (if needed → pull) Performance median 5ms (99%ile 300ms) Sub-second even when tested at over 1M msg/s Cloud Monitoring No Yes