Cpa Reviewed: The Cpa Exam Podcast

Recovering from a 30 on the CPA Exam | Another71 Podcast #101



In this CPA Exam podcast, we cover what do to if you score super-low on the CPA Exam (like a 30) and how to turn things around quickly & much more including live CPA study questions. Have a question for the podcast? Ask Jeff. 1. Krishma - I am studying for my FAR third attempt. My previous scores were 70 & 68. I am planning to take my exam three weeks from now. Please tell me how should I start and what should I focus on? 2. What is the best way to pass FAR in the next couple of weeks? My test is coming up and I am absolutely struggling even when following the 4-week accelerated plan. I failed my first exam with a 30 and it dropped by confidence like a rock. - Brian (Becker + NINJA) 3. Hello, I recently failed FAR with a 64 and am trying to pick myself back up after this. I just purchased your materials and am just wondering where to even begin? Which aspects of NINJA would you believe would be the most helpful for me? I do not understand how to proceed after failing FAR. - Sarah (Becker + NINJA)