Stirring The Cauldron

Episode 564: JD Walker-Magickal Ink



Magickal ink is a special medium used to convey magical words of power. Together with your quill pen and parchment paper, you have the ingredients for 'traditional' spell creation. Since the last century, magical inks, quill feather or dip pens and parchment have become part of the traditions of modern witchcraft and spell making. JD Walker, the author of A Witch's Guide to Wildcraft-Using Common Plants To Create Uncommon Magick talks about magical ink in the book, and it made me want to find out more. In this episode, JD gives us a crash course about magickal ink,  what it is, what it's used for,  some basics on how to make it and a whole lot more.  JD makes her inks in an iron cauldron, and after hearing about how to make your own ink, I wouldn't be surprised if you started to heat up your cauldrons as well.