Autonomous Cars With Marc Hoag

#169-Motional, Daimler, Ghost



Today: Hyundai and Aptive do a thing; I make a mistake; and ghosts learn to drive cars. All this, right now… 1. Hyundai and Aptive About a year ago, we discussed the new partnership as between Hyundai and Aptiv which saw the two companies forming some sort of unknown venture. This venture was apparently a company called Motional, and Motional has just partnered up with Via, a shuttle-van ride service that partners up with municipalities. The idea is for Motional to give Via driverless capabilities. 2. I make a mistake (about Daimler) Special thanks to Oscar Slotosch (Episode #142) for pointing out that I missed the recent announcement about Daimler’s partnership with Waymo to provide L4 trucking. Thing is though, it still seems that Daimler is focusing only on commercial trucking for now, so I try to go deeper than the last episode in an attempt to figure out (or at least guess) what’s going on. 3. Ghost has a friendly competitor driven by ghosts. Ghost is a plug-and-play hardware/software solution t