Grace On Fire | Craft Your Life For A Higher Purpose

Your Job Does Not Define You – So Who Are You? | GOF71



The most significant mistake you can make in life is to define yourself by your job. But the vast majority of people I meet do precisely that, and it costs them so much happiness. Seem a little overstated? Perhaps, but consider this scenario for just a moment. When someone asks “who are you?” What’s the first thing out of your mouth? For most of us, the answer includes some reference to what “we do.” But I think this is a trap. What happens when the market changes, how will you respond? For some people, they can successfully reinvent themselves, but for others, it is a little more difficult. That’s why it’s important to consider this issue “BEFORE” something affects your work. Also, on GOF71, I ask this question: how do you pray when you don’t know what to do? The post Your Job Does Not Define You – So Who Are You? | GOF71 appeared first on Grace Nation: Think Differently.