Grace On Fire | Craft Your Life For A Higher Purpose

Tullian Tchividjian On Finding Grace After Your Life Has Been Destroyed | GOF77



Should we Evangelicals forgive Tullian Tchividjian? If you have any real understanding of how grace works, then the answer, of course, is “yes.” But when public figures break our trust by acting in ways contrary to their public persona, it is tough to find that requisite forgiveness we all are supposed to grant. I understand. So did Absalom — King David’s son who could never forgive his father’s disgraces. But Jesus calls us to do just that, to forgive those who hurt us. In a candid interview, Tullian opens up his heart revealing his ongoing struggles with guilt and shame tied to the impact it had on his children. He shares his desperate need for God’s grace and how the Father’s “One Way Love” is now more important to him than ever before. The post Tullian Tchividjian On Finding Grace After Your Life Has Been Destroyed | GOF77 appeared first on Grace Nation: Think Differently.