Third World Linux

Third World Linux - Episode 109: Our Picks for the Wallpapers of Ubuntu 16.10 Yakety Yak



In the podcast this week... Some of our picks from the Ubuntu 16.10 wallpaper contest submissions. We recorded the episode on September 29 and some of the images we picked have been removed from the group for one reason or another.AG's PicksStorm is coming by toomoonstreamJardin -7226 (2) by Jesús A. Reyeslarung gar by night by Geza Radics160903et04-stn-YY by Pierre CanteFrançois CANTE mubutestJoao's PicksView of City from Ellis Island by Joseph Bylund Swan_Mono by Mike OUnder Sunset by 如月.飛羽IMG_6990_1 by Eric Gbarn door by Timothy FordNever Surrender by Julian Fernandes---Download the episode here. Support us on Patreon (pretty please).---Listen and Subscribe...  we're @thirdworldlinux and @chFourteen on twitterwe're also on Google+but if you're oldschool, email ---