Arniegeddon: A Schwarzenegger Film Podcast

#15 - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)



Steal some biker gear and re-learn your 90s slang terms because this week hosts Cam Smith and Tony G are chillin' out and declaring no problemo while re-experiencing James Cameron's legendary action masterwork Terminator 2: Judgment Day! Arguably the most popular movie Arnold ever headlined, this mega-hit sequel was a gargantuan phenomenon when it smashed into theatres in the summer of 1991. But now that the hype and video store-era worship has diminished a little, is it still the Muscular One's crowning achievement? And is it really that much better than the excellent 1984 original? Race along with the duo as they pay tribute to the eternal badassery of Linda Hamilton, the big guy's glorious shotgun reloading skills and lots more!  DOWNLOAD HEREWe're also on iTunes, Google Play & Stitcher Radio!Track us via Twitter, or email us at'll be back in two weeks with The 6th Day!