Aba Journal Podcasts - Legal Talk Network

Digital Detectives : Is This How the World Ends? Artificial Intelligence and American Security



Autonomous killer robots have certainly grabbed a lot of screen time over the years, but is our world really going to end in an AI-fueled war? Sharon Nelson and John Simek welcome Brigadier General Patrick Huston to discuss his role at the Pentagon and dispel some of the most common myths about AI and its military applications. As a self-described “near pacifist,” General Huston shares his perspective on the military’s commitments to ethical and legal development of AI defenses and emphasizes the importance of creating partnerships between the government and the best and brightest AI experts in private industry. Brigadier General Patrick Huston is the Assistant Judge Advocate General for Military Law and Operations in the Pentagon, where he is keenly focused on privacy and the legal and ethical development of AI, cybersecurity and other emerging technologies. Special thanks to our sponsor PInow.