

Let's take one more trip back to Woodworking in America 2010 and I'll share with you a few more classes I attended as part of this ongoing amazing experience. I eluded to the "mourning phase" after leaving the show and coming down off my woodworking high as we drove away. That mourning isn't quite what it was a week ago, but I still have moments where I forget I'm not more than a classroom away from one of my many new friends. Hopefully you can make it next year, same you can start making your traveling plans as soon as we hear the dates. Once they're announced you'll hear it from me right away. Today's episode contains snippets from Glen Huey's "Sliding Dovetails without Fail", Marc Adam's "Amazing Router Jigs for Inlay, Ellipses and 'Faux' Dovetails" and also one more from Chris Schwarz "Scraper Planes". Once again, don't take my word for how awesome it was this year, ask anyone who's attended! In fact, checkout some of the great links we've been putt