Matt's Basement Workshop - Audio

445 Bookcase Questions



If you have any questions from today's episode or any from the first 3 episodes of this series. Don't hesitate to drop me a line "EMAIL ME". Some of you already have, and I'll be addressing those questions in next week's episode where we'll devote the entire episode to answering those questions. The Kid's Maple Bookcase project is all wrapped up now and we're about to move onto something new. But before we do, I wanted to answer some questions a few of you had that came up along the way. As you probably already know (if you've seen Parts 1-4 of the build) I tried to offer alternative methods to the construction or answer questions that I kind of figured would come up along the way. And of course I invited you to send in your questions in case I missed something. The two biggest questions that were asked were in regards to the assembly of the side panels and then more of a comment and suggestion vs a question on the method I used for cutting notches in the shelves. I had discussed using different