Matt's Basement Workshop - Audio

462 Walls of Shelves Pt 4



So far in the "Walls of Shelves" series you've seen me working on some rather straight forward, basic shelving units. Along with these regular pieces, the client had asked if I could build a corner shelving unit for them also. The corner piece isn't all that different from the other units except for the curved shelves. In today's episode I'll demonstrate how I cut those curved shelves using a tablesaw and a jigsaw, and then in the second half of the episode I'll share with you some optional tools we can use to make the same cuts. If after watching the show you have an alternate method I didn't mention I'd love to hear about it, leave a comment below or drop me a line. [dewplayer:]Click to PlayDownload iPod VideoDownload AudioHelp support the show - please visit our advertisers