Matt's Basement Workshop - Audio

Woodworking in America revisit 2



As I mentioned Monday the countdown to Woodworking in America 2011 is on and in full swing. I hope you plan on attending the lectures or at least make it for the marketplace, it's like walking into the most amazing woodworking store ever! Imagine asking the tool makers themselves about the item you want to buy vs a sales person (no offense sales people LOL!) Today's episode is the second compilation of previously unseen footage I recorded. This time it's from the 2009 Design and Construction conference in St. Charles, IL. Again, I wish it could've been more, but that's not fair to the presenters and way to much to download. On Friday I'll post links to many of my previous episodes that were released each year, including the 2010 Conference. So come back to check that out. function recordOutboundLink(link, category, action) { _gat._getTrackerByName()._trackEvent(category, action); setTimeout('document.location = "' + link.href + '"', 100); } Help support the show - please visit our advertisers