

This week I'm getting things ready to head to Cincinnati, Ohio for Woodworking in America 2011. After having attended almost every since it's start, these conferences feel more like homecoming than classes. And this year is no different. With all the great conference instructors, the even larger marketplace and even more great attendees than in the past, this year should add up to quite the event. I can't list all the great things that are happening, so I'll just share what I can without rambling on more than usual. If you can make it down, even for just one day or for just one hour, you won't be sorry. Conference attendees can choose from 1 day passes on either Friday or Saturday, 3 day passes for the entire weekend or pay as little as $8 (online) or $10 (at the door) for access to the marketplace. And in the marketplace you'll of course find all those manufacturers and vendors you keep hearing about, along with the like of Tommy Mac of the Rough Show, Rob Cosman and I heard even Scott Phillips will be in