Mom's Minute Podcast

Mom's Minute 1-25-2016



Mom's Minute Video Game Show paid tribute in its 181st episode to the late Eagles founder Glenn Frye as well as  Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber in Die Hard) by playing Hotel California and the infamous countdown to 3 in the Die Hard script, respectively.  Mom's Minute Video Game Show sends prayers and condolences to their families and friends.  Ms. H transforms the mood of the show to a fun, lighter note as she reviews the free video game she played on her Xbox One, Z-Heroes.  This game regularly sells for $19.99 but was free for one week, if you are an Xbox Live Gold member. After providing her opinions on the video game, Ms. H transitions the discussion to the celebrity gamer of the week, Alicia Keys, who is also an humanitarian. Ms. H paused to thank and welcome  the new visitor to her show for coming by and invited him to return whenever he likes. She also asked him and everyone to spread the word about  She  reminded everyone to call her Ms. H and stated she would start adding somethi