

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (or Thursday if you're OUS) and... ...that's a wrap, y'all! This is the FINAL episode of Season 5 of The Edutainer Podcast. Thank you so much to all the superfans (if you're not a superfan, BTW, you should consider it at: because their content will continue at the blog post season 5). Also - if you, like me, plot and plan ahead for a great new year on your career development, we've got our certificates, certifications, and professional designations tracker up to date for 2022 at: Last - if you're considering a leadership program for your professional development in 2022 - and you're mid-career and passionate about pharmacy law, check out the new Diplomat program of ASPL over at ASPL for 2022 - because I don't know if it will be repeated anytime soon - it's an experiment and a once in a lifetime opportunity: Have a WONDERFUL holiday season and year-end, thank you for listening and