Hopping Mad With Will Mcleod & Arliss Bunny

Charles Gaba on the ACA & How Fake News Works



19 December 2016 - We are thrilled to welcome back ACA expert Charles Gaba (ACASignUps.net, Brainwrap.com, Brainwrap on Daily Kos and @Charles_Gaba on Twitter) to the show. It's hard to even understand all the rumors flying around about the ACA (aka "Obamacare") these days and Charles helps us to parse what different options will mean. Basically the ACA is a towering healthcare Jenga and the GOP is imagining they can pull the foundational blocks out without the whole thing crashing down. They are wrong. [BWT - there's a GoFundMe on Charles' ACA page. His work is unique in media and often quoted by progressive media everywhere so if you can, pitch in a little to help him out.] Will and I combined our blocks to talk about how fake news works, define propaganda, touch on the PropOrNot controversy which was stirred-up by the Washington Post and then get into detail about how sites like TruthDig and TruthOut are exhibiting pro-Russian bias rather dramatically. For us, sites like Naked Cap