Christ Church Jerusalem

Acts 9: Generosity pays



12 May 2019 - We love the world system even though it continues to fail us. It is dangerous, though, Rev. David Pileggi reminds us. The danger is that, when we derive our identity and/or our security from created things rather than from the Creator, the world converts our loyalty against Jesus. However, when we as a community are generous and care for the poor like Dorcas did, we rebel against the world system, and we make a deposit in a heavenly bank account. Those who give to the poor lend to the Lord (Prov 19:17), and God will repay. Generosity also brings us closer to Messiah. Where do we find Jesus? In giving aid to the poor and needy. Readings: Acts 9:36-43; Revelation 6; John 10:22-30 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.