Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

04: Don’t Be A Jerk – We chat with Jennifer Newman Sharpe an Entertainment, IP and Media Lawyer



You can’t practice in a bubble:   Nicole chats with Jennifer Newman Sharpe, an Entertainment, IP and Media Lawyer. Take a genuine interest: clients want their attorney to know who they are, what their interests are so you represent those interests when you represent them. Be a connector: connect people with each other, with opportunities, think about others and help generate business for others through introductions and connections. Narrow in on the clients in your niche: be where they are as a speaker or by contributing content – when they need services they’ll think of you and your perspective. Important not to be a jerk: represent your clients zealously and firmly while treating the opposing party with respect. Opposing counsel is your peer: remain courteous; peer relationships follow you as long as you’re practicing in that region and practice area. Social media and providing content: creates an avenue with new audiences that wouldn’t be aware of your services otherwise. Be confident: a