Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

13: Patience Required – we chat with Jeff Berardi of K&L Gates



It’s Said Law Firms Move at Glacial Speed.  Nicole chats with Jeff Berardi, the Chief Marketing Officer of K&L Gates.  Strengths/habits that have led to success: Looking outside of the legal industry for ideas and information. Growth strategy: K&L Gates is communicating to specific industry groups. Clients don’t care how the law firm is structured they are focused on whether the firm understands their business, their industry. Tactical best practices: Not solely focused on the largest accounts – they look for opportunities and potential across all their clients. Success story: Their strategy includes being helpful and providing resources to clients and potential clients without being on the clock. Created a digital destination K&L Gates HUB, which is organized by industry to be more intuitive for clients. They also created a CLE center where anyone can register and take courses. Next up is a HUB resource that is more bespoke – showing content the client needs and wants to receive. Mille