Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

21: Nail Your Niche with best selling author Aaron Ross



We’re Talking to You Professionals Nicole chats with Aaron Ross, best selling author and founder of Predictable Revenue.com. Check out his latest book, From Impossible to Inevitable. All growth uses the same principals: including professional services. Nailing a niche: where you’re truly unique from others. Become a specialist: approach the market with a specialty. It’s about focus: who needs you and will pay for your services. Real growth: comes when you get business from people who’ve never heard of you. They have a need in your ‘niche’. Build a system beyond your current network. Doing great work is not enough: you can learn how to grow your business, but you can’t hide. You need to do it over and over as long as it takes until it works. Grit:   will separate the people who double or triple their income versus those who grow 5% per year. From Impossible to Inevitable: Frustration is part of it. If you’re not sobbing in a corner or pounding on the floor at some point your probably not doing new thing