Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

67: The Accidental Entrepreneur – Managing Partner, Suzi Scanlon of SRD Lawyers



And the Virtual Lawyers She Leads Suzie Scanlon Rabinowitz, is the Managing Partner of SRD Legal Group. Suzie is a virtual law firm legal pioneer having been in the space for more than 10 years. Her firm’s specialty is legal process management and high volume workflows for financial services companies. http://www.srdlegalgroup.com/attorneys_Rabinowitz.html (Suzie Scanlon Rabinowitz Bio) Hear why Suzie is excited to lead a mission-driven business Life Long Learners – Educating clients can be the key to biz dev success A silver lining to not winning business you bid on – listen in AFAs and relationship building Yes it’s happening, clients are driving legal tech adoption by firms How’s your social media etiquette? Why Suzie’s excited about a positive double bottom line…