Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

69: Patience, Persistence, and Grit with Goodwin, Partner, Jane Greyf



How Legal Biz Dev. is Like Fitness Jane Greyf is a partner in Goodwin’s Private Equity Group and a member of the firm’s Impact and Responsible Investing Practice. She advises private equity funds, companies, and management in leveraged buyouts and growth equity investment transactions.  http://www.goodwinlaw.com/professionals/g/greyf-jane (Jane Greyf Bio) Business development is like fitness – you have to keep at it. A little has to be done every day.  It can take years – keep at it – many interactions will result in business. You can’t take rejection personally in terms of business development.  Your ability to control your response to things is a learned strength.  Jane keeps a fluid list of top 5 prospects.   She spends a few minutes every day, every other day, once a week to execute that next step. It doesn’t take a tremendous amount of time.  Always, always, always keep in touch with current clients. Success Story: A lawyer at a client with a shared business background moved companies