Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

71: Have a Power Niche with Managing Partner, Bruce Stachenfeld



Strive to be Different … Not Better Bruce Stachenfeld is the Managing Partner of his firm, Duval & Stachenfeld.He’s known for being one of the most ‘connected’ real estate lawyers throughout the worldwide real estate community.  He’s specialized and adapted his area of focus to meet the needs of the market over a 30-year legal career. http://dsllp.com/attorneys/brucestachenfeld/ (Bruce Stachenfeld Bio) Habits that have lead to Bruce’s success: –      Being relentless –      Being open minded –      Experiencing and evaluating failure –      Ruthlessly analyzing his and his team’s performance Ask clients and prospects questions.  What do they care about? Learn how their business works, what their needs are.  Be helpful. Being better than the competition (adding features) is less profitable than being different.  Competition drives similarity, adding features increases costs. Define yourself differently. Strategically. The Power Niche:  –      Define ‘it’ R