Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

77: Drop the Resentment with Harvard Law School’s Scott Westfahl



Bridging the Law Firm Generation Gap Professor, Scott Westfahl, is the Director of Harvard Law School Executive Education. He leads his organization in their mission to support and develop lawyers across the arc of their careers as they advance to new levels of leadership and responsibility.   He teaches law firm leaders, partners, associates and general counsel – collaborating with his colleagues and other school faculty. Prior to his current position, he was the Director of Professional Development at Goodwin Proctor. http://hls.harvard.edu/faculty/directory/11254/Westfahl/ (Scott Westfahl Bio) Generations experience the same motivations It’s the context in which each generation operates that is different The millennial generation is the most transparent generation that ever existed The power of a collective voice with a vehicle to express it publicly/openly Mastery, meaning and purpose, and a laser focus on client service as consumers A creative idea – seconded associates and design thi