Leftfoot - Legal Business Development

82: Forget the Ball Game and Golf … Drive Meaningful Sustainable Value to Our Organization



A conversation with Mark Smolik of DHL Mark Smolik, Vice President General Counsel & Secretary, Chief Compliance Officer, DHL Supply Chain Americas, leads his company’s legal, commercial contracts management, compliance, and economic development teams.   He’s a proponent of establishing strong operational disciplines and working closely with the business in support of their shared interests. He’s been in his current role for 8 years following successive in-house roles at three name organizations since 1990. https://www.linkedin.com/in/marksmolik/ (Mark Smolik Bio) Corporate Lawyers: take a business approach to the practice of law; your demeanor should be that of a business person. Build Internal Equity: offer a supportive approach to the business. Provide Meaningful Value: your perceived value to the business is key. Be prepared: take the time to learn about the organization, the industry, the legal department, and the people on the legal team. Tie the services you offer to the needs of the client: