Living Your Passion

Julie Neumark on Communication



Julie Neumark. Episode #7. Boom. When I first asked Julie to be on the podcast, I thought her passion was going to be music. It turns out, her passion is much broader than just music. In fact, music and songwriting/song performing is just a small part of her passion. Julie's "not-so-sexy" (her words) PASSION, in one word: COMMUNICATION. When I asked Julie to expand on her passion, she said she loves "connecting people through communication." In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Oh, and one more thing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture on the right. It was taken moments after Julie got married to her partner, Holly. Julie confessed that, like both past #LYPPodcast guest Chris Rosati and I, she married up! One more (more) thing. I could not pick my favorite Julie picture. Here are two more I really liked - her Facebook profile picture  and an oldie, but a goodie. During this episode ... Julie shares how she started speaking at ve