Living Your Passion

Garin Hess on The Positive Benefits That Come From Entrepreneurship



Garin Hess, (today's guest - #25) hails from the lovely state of Utah. As it turns out, Garin is the 3rd guest on Living Your Passion (Nate Bagley and Cara Heuser being the other two). Utah FTW! Garin and I connected when he sent me a "let's talk" email through LinkedIn. Love it. Garin's passion: The POSITIVE BENEFITS THAT COME FROM ENTREPRENEURSHIP. In case you missed any of the previous episodes, you can catch them here by visiting the Living Your Passion landing page. Are you ready to learn more about the positive benefits that come from entrepreneurship? During this episode ... Garin talked about Karl Marx. Didn't see that coming. Ha! I said "journey." OOPS. I just don't love that word ... story, process ... but not journey. Ha! Garin answered the question, "What happens if you are passionate about something but are no good at it (or don't have the capital to do it or other "insurmountable barriers")? Garin shared how to you can do some research to determine whether or not your passion can turn into a va