Gospel Saving Church

291 - The Undisputed KING



Overview - The Undisputed KING. Acts 16:16-24. In our message today we examine an interaction between Paul and Silas and a demon possessed slave girl. The slave girl comes to Paul and his crew, as they are ministering to and for Jesus Christ in Macedonia, and the demon through her proclaims two very powerful and life changing things. What were they? She says in vs 17 ~ 1) “These men are the servants of the Most High God, 2) who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” Why were these two points she makes so very powerful and life changing? What was the demon through her really saying? Well, the main part of the entire sermon is focused upon the importance and power of what the demon says about Paul and his travel companions, so please come and take a listen and find out the answers to the two questions I ask above, and hopefully your life will be changed by the power of the statements. May the Lord bless you as you seek Him Pastor Ed