Gospel Saving Church

299 - The Amazing, Tent Making, Apostle Paul



Overview - The Amazing, Tent Making, Apostle Paul. Acts 18:1-4. In our message today, we talk a whole lot about The Amazing, Tent Making, Apostle Paul, as if you didn’t already get that clue from the title. We spend a majority of the sermon talking about the fact that this amazing apostle, not only did more for the Christian world than any other Apostle/Christian EVER, but that he also made tents to provide for himself to make his living. He did not accept a salary/ pay from God’s churches in order to serve God. His example is one that we, in our message today, hold up against a couple of attitudes that we have in our Christian world of today. Come and take a listen to find out just how some common attitudes in our world today, hold up against The Amazing, Tent Making, Apostle Paul’s attitude of serving Christ. May the Lord bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed.