Gospel Saving Church

302 - Paul's Carbon Copy



Overview - Paul's Carbon Copy. Acts 18:24-28. In the section of scripture we study today, we uncover a very small, easily overlooked, yet humongous detail. The Apostle Paul leaves Aquilla and Priscilla in Ephesus, to go and chase the fulfillment of a vow in Jerusalem that he had made to God, and they come in contact with a very interesting character named Apollos. He is a Jewish man who comes to Ephesus, whom they end up meeting the synagogue there in the city, who turns out to be an almost exact carbon copy of Paul. Why did Apollos come to Ephesus? How do Paul’s travel companions end up meeting Paul’s carbon copy? Why do I continue to call Apollos a carbon copy of Paul? What is the very small, easily overlooked, yet humongous detail that I wrote of earlier that we uncovered in our section of scripture today? Come and take a listen, and I explain all in this message titled, Paul’s Carbon Copy. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed