Gospel Saving Church

311 - The Watchmen On The Wall



Overview - The Watchmen On The Wall. Acts 20:25-31. In our message today, we jump right into the midst of a discourse between Paul and the elders or overseers of the Ephesian church. Up until this point, he had been telling them of how he lived among them, how he taught them, and even the circumstances that he taught them under. But, in this section he breaks down and finally gives them some earthshaking bad news. He tells them that he is leaving them and that he will never be back. Today’s message focuses on Paul’s commission to them of their responsibilities for the church in Ephesus, as they will take his place as the heads or leaders of their church. Paul will no longer be there for them to rely on to lead them. What does their responsibility for the Ephesian church entail? Paul passes the torch of him being their watchman to them being the watchmen for their church. What do New Testament watchmen do for a Christian church? Come and take a listen and find out, this sermon is full of goodies. And, may