Gospel Saving Church

317 - They Have A Zeal For God, But Not According To Knowledge



Overview - They Have A Zeal For God, But Not According To Knowledge. Acts 22:1-22. In our sermon today we continue to look at the interaction between Paul and the Jews in Jerusalem who were zealous for the law of Moses. Last week we read that they saw Paul in the Synagogue and attacked him and tried to kill him because they heard that he taught people against the law of Moses, but he was rescued by a Roman commander. Today we finish his interaction with them, as God gives him the opportunity to give them his testimony of how he had an encounter with the Saviour Jesus Christ, and how Jesus changed Paul’s mind in regard to the law of Moses. Paul was teaching that the law of Moses wasn’t that important, now that Jesus Christ had come, because he realized that Jesus Christ’s death was enough to pay the high price for sin. God had showed Paul that no work of righteousness was going to save anyone from their sins, and grant anyone eternal life, and Paul was bound by his love for mankind to preach the truth becaus