Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#188: The difference between membership and genuine belonging



It is human nature to want to belong, but when does our desire to fit in come at an expense that might be too high for us to pay?   Often fitting in is a lot more about membership - checking off certain criteria that creates exclusivity over genuine belonging.    However we want to take time to understand the difference between the two, because genuinely belonging is what we desire, and membership doesn’t give us that. Yet we often think that membership = belonging and therefore we’re willing to give up parts of ourselves in order to fit in.    Lately we’ve been talking a lot about goals, values, creating lives for ourselves that are actually what we desire and we can’t do those things unless we address what can sometimes get in the way.    Membership is the notion that in order to fit into a certain group dynamic, place or organization, you need to follow certain rules. If you have a family dynamic that loves drama, you’re expected to partake in the cycle of drama, otherwise ‘you don’t fit in’. Maybe you nee