Pinstripe Alley Podcast

EP 115: Thunderdome



We are about to watch the New York Yankees face the Oakland Athletics in a one-game elimination death match. Yay. Naturally, we decided to do a podcast to sum up our feelings on the Wild Card game, as well as the 2nd half of the season. Also naturally, we invited former Pinstripe Alley writer and current Cut4 contributor Andrew Mearns back on the PahSahp. Was this just an opportunity for Kunj and I to yell “MEARNS!” all PahSahp long. I’m not saying it was, but I’m not not saying that as well.We discuss what the Yankees managed to accomplish this year and what they have to look forward to in the playoffs. Of course, the thing we all have to look forward to is drinking and pain and hopefully some excitement mixed in. Of course, we all decide to give our Yankees and Mitres of the second half, because that’s what we do. The answers will probably not shock you, to be honest. Especially the Mitres.