Travel Wisdom Podcast -travel And Learn Languages For Success And Money

Ep 22 Ladan talks about getting sick or hurt abroad, travelling, or backpacking



Ladan talks about his experiences getting sick or injured while abroad   Check out this experimental podcast which is both on YouTube as well as    Ladan is sporting a bandage from a recent event in a German bar. He talks about the experience of going to the hospital in Germany.   Ladan also talks about getting ringworm in Armenia, cutting his toe and getting stitches in Egypt, a friend getting Dengue Fever in Costa Rica, and finally getting inevitable leg injuries in Thailand.   With all of these experiences came new knowledge and wisdom. Most of all what he found was that going to the Pharmacy first is usually a good idea for non-emergencies.   Finally, what was not really covered in the episode was that you should evaluate why a certain sickness or injury happened. Is there anything you can learn from it? What can this event teach you for the future?   Let us know what you think about this experimental YouTube inclusion.