Travel Wisdom Podcast -travel And Learn Languages For Success And Money

Ep 24 Ladan talks about finding a suitable method of travel and some experiences from them



Ladan talks about the different methods of travel.   Check out this experimental podcast which is both on YouTube as well as      Ladan talks about the reasons you may want to use different types of transportation, whether it be boat, rail, bus, carpooling, hitchhiking, or plane. He sets them out in this order in terms of comfort. However this also seems to be the order from slowest to fastest. So if you have time definitely go for the more comfortable stuff.   Ladan also sets out some guidelines for choosing these methods of travel as well as some prices you should expect.   And as always, you will get to hear some interesting experiences that he had along the way   Although it wasn't really covered in the podcast, always ask yourself, what good is this experience bringing me? Sometimes transportation can be late, have problems, or somehow not be the way you expect. What can you learn from it and what will this experience teach you?