The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Episode 1:2 Myth Busting



In the second show of The Tantric Lounge I start busting myths! I start with the two biggest ones that get in the way of fulfilling our sexual potential: (1) That sex is a base activity, not part of high human endeavor; and (2) that men are more sexual than women. These myths have been around a long time and are still ingrained in our communal psyche. They’ve led to sexual ignorance, sexual suppression, sexual ignorance and a hell of a lot of unhappy people - men and women. I will correct this history of sexual misinformation and start to get you clear on why these myths get in the way of your personal empowerment. It might sound heavy, but with my clarity and lighthearted explanation you’ll find those myths busting without effort at all! And this week’s practical activity will be on learning to breathe from your belly, the key to getting present in your body. Download Audio:Myth Busting