The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Episode 2:1 Tantric Myth-Busting



The Tantric Lounge is back for its second season, sponsored by the fabulous folk at Lelo, the world’s leading designer brand for intimate products. The Tantric Lounge remains a sleaze-free zone, devoted to beauty and meaning in sex, love and intimacy - this is where sex is an art and sex is a science. But it’s not just about sex, at least, not just about what so many people think Tantric sex is about. So in this episode my co-host Xavier and I are doing some Tantric myth-busting! Is Tantra some weird hippie practice that involves hours of sex and orgies? Or is it an approach to living, a way of being in the world that encompasses sexuality rather than marginalising it or trying to ‘transcend’ it? Find out this week, down on The Tantric Lounge. Download Audio:Tantric Myth-Busting