The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

Episode 2:4 Riding the Tantric Wave



Tantra is all about developing spiritually, moving towards transcendence, a state of bliss. As you advance in sexual Tantra love-making feels like a wave of bliss. It feels like you're surfing through the waves of bliss. It’s very different to the standard of bigger-harder-faster sex of the West. In this episode we’re going to be looking at what it takes to be able to do this. How do you discipline your body, mind and emotions to be able to become so unattached to outcome that you have such an outcome?! It’s a paradox - the doing of not doing, the feeling of not feeling. Yep, this week folks we’re getting down and deep into the spirituality of it all. Tune in to find out more, down on The Tantric Lounge… Download Audio:Riding the Tantric Wave