Train Station At 8: A Video Game Music Podcast

Episode 14: Changing Tempo with Jayson Napolitano



The inescapable drumbeat of change has caught up with Train Station at 8 and now-- if you will pardon the pun-- it's time to face the music. The soundtracks of some game series stagnate over decades while others can't help but to reinvent themselves at every turn, so we brought Episode 1 veteran Jayson Napolitano on board to help dig into this reality and what it means for us all. You can catch up with Jayson on Twitter (via his company or personal account) and, of course, visit the highly classy Scarlet Moon Productions website.How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter and subscribing on iTunes, or maybe send an email to Hearing from you would make our collective day!T