Train Station At 8: A Video Game Music Podcast

Episode 15: Island Swing with the Marcato Bros.



Karl and Will Brueggemann, collectively known as the Marcato Bros., are back again to bring knowledge and enthusiasm to Train Station at 8. This brings the group count to four, but only one song is on the menu today; namely, the world famous Island Swing from Donkey Kong Country. You might think that such a focused, limited discussion would mean a shorter episode this week, but you would be wrong, good listener. You would be wrong.By all means, you should be following the Marcato Bos. on Twitter, but don't forget about their website, too!How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter and subscribing on iTunes, or maybe send an email to Hearing from you would make our collective day!The&nbs