Train Station At 8: A Video Game Music Podcast

Episode 19: Inspiration Strikes with Mega Ran and Zach Walton



Sometimes the world becomes a little brighter when a certain song enters the scene, and that's what this episode is all about. Raheem Jarbo (also known as Random or Mega Ran) joins Zachary Walton (fellow Disembodied Voices member) and your regularly scheduled co-hosts for a look at music that inspires them.Head over to Twitter and follow Raheem and Zachary both!How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter, subscribing on iTunes and YouTube, or maybe sending an email to Hearing from you would make our day and then some!The 8 Questions. Give us your answers, too, so we can talk and stuff!1. What have you been listening to?2. Is there a specific moment you recall mu