Gay Savvy Podcast

Episode 2 - Gay Savvy



They said we'd be a one hit wonder, but here we are for Episode 2!  We delve into Marriage Equality, noting the developments in New York and at home in Aus.  For those of you wanting those teenage years again, we speak with Roxy burt (aka DJ Jane Doe) about Gay Prom at the Basement in Fortitude Valley on Saturday 9 July 2011.  Spencer speaks with Art vs. Science (!!), we celebrate Fluffy's 10th Birthday (including a chat with headlining act Deni Hines), delve into gay "social networking" sites (grindr, manhunt, gaydar etc.) before rounding out with our weekly Top 5...!  How do we fit this into two hours?  You'll just have to tune in to see!Link ==>