Onward Nation With Stephen Woessner | Interviews With Todays Top Business Owners | Careers

Episode 992: School doesn’t prepare us for life, with Russ Sorrells



Russ Sorrells’s bio, in his own words: It all started because I wanted to be a better dad. I was driving home with my kids one day and thought, “Why doesn’t the school system teach kids how to live a happy life?” It dawned on me, “because that’s my job as a parent.” Duh. From then on, I started teaching daily 5 minute lessons to my kids based on everything I’ve learned over my 5 years as a high-performance coach. At first it was hard to add it to our manic morning routine, but now my kids harass me if they don’t get their daily Lunchbox Lesson. What you’ll learn about in this episode: How Russ has expanded his brick-and-mortar business empire since his previous appearance on Onward Nation back on episode 21 How Russ created Lunchbox Lessons when he saw there are many life lessons his kids weren’t being taught, and realized school doesn’t prepare us for life in some key ways How Russ used his Lunchbox Lessons to teach his kids about things like first puppy love and other life experiences How each month’s Lunc