Axanar: The Official Podcast

7: Making the Universe Larger



An Author's View of Axanar with James Swallow. One of the most exciting parts of writing a story like Axanar is the opportunity to add richness to the Star Trek universe. This is something than few people know better than James Swallow, author of many novels including The Poisoned Chalice, part of the New York Times bestselling Star Trek series "The Fall." So how does a novelist view the story of The Four Years War and how Axanar is expanding upon events and characters that we've learned very little about in past Trek? In this episode of the official Star Trek: Axanar podcast, Alec Peters and Christopher Jones are joined by James to get an author's view of the Axanar story, the way the Klingons are being portrayed, the backstory of Garth, and where the story might go next. Plus, James gives us a few teasers about his next two Star Trek books, included the Titan novel Sight Unseen. In our news segment we recap the events of Salt Lake City Comic Con, discuss the first steps in pre-production of the full Axanar