The Pagan Knitter

Episode 16 - The Druids



Today’s episode is all about the Druids!  Alright, so it’s an introduction to modern Druidry, with an interview in “The Pagan Corner”.  Plus, a bodice-ripping good time that has the occasional Druid and Immortal thrown in for good measure.ShownotesHousekeeping:- winner of the Miso Crafty Knits project bag and a skein of yarn is: Anjanette (explodingpinecone on Ravelry)- new contest for April - see photos/details below. Eyes and Ears:Karen Marie Moning's Highlander Romance novels (the "bodice-rippers"!) (Wiki page) The Pagan Corner:An interview with modern-day Druid Teo Bishop.   Books & Authors recommended by Teo: Issac BonewitsBonewits's Essential Guide to DruidismJohn Michael Greer (not recommended directly on the podcast, but a great read)The Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living EarthPhillip Carr-Gomm (Chosen Chief Druid of OBOD)Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st CenturyLinks to Druid OrganizationsOBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids) ADF (Ár nDraí